Generic variables:
%guild.memberCount% - The server's member count. - The name/username of the newly logged in user - The ID of the newly logged in user %user.discriminator% - The discriminator (example: #1928) in front of the user's name; will soon be phased out in favor of usernames. - The name of the server - The server id %member.createdAt% - The registration date of the newly joined user %member.createdAt.relative% - The registration date of the newly joined user (in relative format, example: 2 years ago) %date% - The current date %guild.channelsCount% - Number of channels in the server %guild.rolesCount% - Number of roles on the server %member.mention% - Mention the user
YouTube/Twitch integration: - channel name - url of the video/live - URL of the cover image - timer before the start of a live broadcast (it will simply be hidden when the content in question is not a live stream) - Title of the video/live - Channel name %twitch.url% - Channel URL - Name of the game %twitch.title% - Live title %twitch.preview% - Preview image URL
This terms and conditions govern your use of NenBot. By accepting this terms you also accept the terms of third party services that we use to allow the operation of some of the features of our bot. You can find the links to those services at the end of this page.
You can find out all the informations about our project on the dedicated web page.
The Holder of the treatment of the personal data is:
Matteo Squizzato Via Gino Maggi, 4 21030 Cuvio (VA) Italy
For further informations about the method of the treatment of the personal data you can freely access to our Privacy Policy.
By accessing our services, you confirm that you are at least 13 years old and meet the minimum digital age of consent in your country.
If you meet the minimum digital age of consent in your country but you don't meet the minimum age requirements of our services a parent or a guardian must accept this terms and conditions themselves.
Accepting this terms and conditions you must respect the following restrictions:
Links to the terms of third party services that we use:
This document explains how NenCloud gathers, use and preserve using the most secure way possible your personal data and informations.
The Holder of the treatment of the personal data is:
Matteo Squizzato Via Gino Maggi, 4 21030 Cuvio (VA) Italy
Email address of the holder: [email protected]
The data we collect automatically or by third parties are the following: usage data; IP address and the data sent by the user during the use of our services. In the NenBot dashboard we do not collect any personal data and therefore we do not share any type of personal data with third parties. We use third party services such as the YouTube API Services and the Twitch API to allow the operation of the Integrations feature of NenBot. We may store the data received from those third party services such as channel ids and channel names to allow NenBot to receive and manage feeds from YouTube and Twitch. You can find the links to those services at the end of the page. If you reject to provide this data it won't be possible to use all the features of our applications. Whenever the informations provided by this document shouldn't be enough you can always contact the holder of the treatment of personal data.
You have the responsibility of the data you publish on NenCloud applications and you guarantee that you have the rights to communicate them and spread them.
NenCloud is committed to adopt the appropriate security measures to prevent accessing, spreading, editing or deleting user data (in services and apps where they're collected) without his consent. However, the deletion of the personal data of a user won't delete his uploaded contents on some of NenCloud applications. This case is always specified in the Privacy Policy document of the application in question.
NenCloud is even committed to assure that the user always gives his consent for the personal data treatment.
Personal data is going to be archived in NenCloud's database for a undetermined time period unless the user requests explicitly the deletion.
Data is computed, managed and archived by our servers hosted in Hetzner Online GmbH's datacenters (OVH sas) located in Nuremberg, Germany.
Users can exercies the following rights:
Links to the privacy policy of third party services that we use:
NenCloud uses cookies to improve your experience in its applications. This site may contain cookies from other NenCloud's applications necessary for their functioning.
The Holder of the treatment of the personal data is:
Matteo Squizzato Via Gino Maggi, 4 21030 Cuvio (VA) Italy
Email address of the holder: [email protected]
Cookies are text files saved in your browser and they're used by NenCloud to remember the session of your account in its applications.
This page DO NOT use any type of cookie but some cookies from other NenCloud applications may be visible.
Links to the privacy policy of third party services that we use: